
Volume 4 Chapter 1 part 1 Updates

Hiiii! Next update will be next week. As I said, release frequency for the translations are 1-2 chapters (4 releases) per week, no set time and date as it base on my schedule. So I will either release them in 2 days in a row, or with intervals. With that being said, if you see any grammatical mistakes and phrases you can’t understand, I will gladly edit and explain them to you in the notes section. And with that, let us all read Origa’s story in the Magicians and Kingdom of the Night.

Also, if you like, you can buy me a coffee here so we can be warm while crying ^^

By 猛美ゆう

Hello, the name's Yuu. Just your average lazy translator. I can't update every month but I will try giving you decent enough translations :]

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